

时间:2020-09-21作者:来源:ob体育试玩 点击:5187

姓名:包杰       性别:              职务:


职称:副研究员   导师类别:硕士生导师   办公室:将军路校区ob体育试玩 605




电话:                                  Email: [email protected]



包杰博士主要研究方向为多源数据融合下的交通安全建模分析以及空中交通智能管控。目前为止,在《Accident Analysis & Prevention》、《Networks & Spatial Economics》等业内权威期刊发表SCIEI论文以及TRB会议30余篇,申请国家发明专利4项,其中授权3项。核心研究成果连续三年发表在交通安全领域顶级期刊Accident Analysis and Prevention,其中2篇代表作被Web of Science评为全球高被引论文。目前为止,共主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,省重点实验室开放基金1项,南航大引进人才科研项目1项。应邀担任国际SCI/SSCI期刊Traffic Injury Prevention, Networks and Spatial Economics, Accident Analysis &PreventionIEEE AccessIET ITSTRB会议的审稿人。



201911-至今:南京航空航天大学,ob体育试玩 ,副教授

201711-201811月:普渡大学(Purdue University)土木工程学院,联合培养博士






1. Bao, Jie; Liu, Pan; Ukkusuri, Satish V, A spatiotemporal deep learning approach for citywide short-term crash risk prediction with multi-source data, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2019, 122: 239-254.

2. Bao, Jie; Yu, Hao; Wu, Jiaming, Short-term FFBS demand prediction with multi-source data in a hybrid deep learning framework, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2019, 13(9): 1340-1347.

3. Bao, Jie; Liu, Pan; Qin, Xiao; Zhou, Huaguo, Understanding the effects of trip patterns on spatially aggregated crashes with large-scale taxi GPS data, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2018, 120: 281-294.

4. Bao, Jie; Shi, Xiaomeng; Zhang, Hao, Spatial analysis of bikeshare ridership with smart card and poi data using geographically weighted regression method, IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 76049-76059.

5. Bao, Jie; Liu, Pan; Yu, Hao; Xu, Chengcheng, Incorporating twitter-based human activity information in spatial analysis of crashes in urban areas, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2017, 106: 358-369.

6. Bao, Jie; Xu, Chengcheng; Liu, Pan; Wang, Wei, Exploring bikesharing travel patterns and trip purposes using smart card data and online point of interests, Networks and Spatial Economics, 2017, 17(4): 1231-1253.

7. Bao, Jie; Liu, Pan; Blythe, Phil; Wu, Jiaming, Exploring contributing factors to the usage of ridesourcing and regular taxi services with high resolution GPS data set, Proceedings of the 97th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States, 2018(大会特邀报告)

8. Bao, Jie; Liu, Pan; Yu, Hao; Wu, Jiaming, Spatial analysis for the usage of ride-sourcing services, an application of geographically weighted regression. Proceedings of the 17th CICTP, Shanghai, China, 2018.

9. Xu, Chengcheng; Bao, Jie; Wang, Chen; Liu, Pan, Association rule analysis of factors contributing to extraordinarily severe traffic crashes in China, Journal of Safety Research, 2018, 67: 65-75.

10. Xu, Chengcheng; Bao, Jie; Liu, Pan; Wang, Wei, Investigation of contributing factors to extremely severe traffic crashes using survival theory, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 2018, 25: 141-153.



1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,520021792021/01-2023/12,在研,主持

2. 江苏省交通运输与安全保障重点实验室开放基金,ZBA200332020/07-2022/07,在研,主持

3. 南京航空航天大学引进人才科研项目,56YAH201002020/01-2021/12,在研,主持

4. 东南大学优秀博士论文基金,YBJJ17902017/11-2019/06,结题,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目,513228102014/01-2016/12,结题,参与

