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Scheduled Block Time Setting and On-Time Performance of U.S. and Chinese Airlines—A Comparative Analysis

时间:2019-06-05作者:来源:ob体育试玩 点击:1359

讲座题目:Scheduled Block Time Setting and On-Time Performance of U.S. and

          Chinese Airlines—A Comparative Analysis

主 讲 人:Mark Hansen教授




Scheduled block time (SBT) has a significant impact on airline operations and performance, and airlines consider various factors in setting them. Recent studies have proposed several models for understanding U.S. airlines’ SBT-setting behavior and have examined it's contribution to airline on-time performance (OTP). How airlines in different countries and regions set their SBTs and to what degree differences in SBT-setting behavior explain observed differences in OTP is still unknown. Here we develop econometric models of SBTs based on historical distributions of actual block time to reveal the differences in SBT-setting behavior between major airlines in China and U.S. The model and methods presented here may also be applied to study and compare SBT setting and its impact on OTP in other parts of the world.


Mark Hansen教授是我校特聘教授、美国加州大学伯克利分校土木与环境工程系教授。他还担任美国国家卓越航空运筹研究中心主任,加州大学伯克利分校教授晋升特别委员会主席,Operations Research副主编、Transportation Research等系列审稿专家,空中交通国际顶级会议USA/Europe ATM R&D SeminarICRAT程序委员会委员。他在航空运输、公共运输、交通运输经济、政策和规划等领域具有较高的国际声望,不但理论成果丰富,而且与美国联邦航空局、美国国家航空航天局有长期合作,研究成果被成功应用于美国航空运输系统中,解决航空运输实际运行的重要问题。Mark Hansen教授近年来主持近100项国家级项目,研究经费总额1600余万美元。他在期刊、会议、著作中发表论文190余篇,其中在交通科学(Transportation Science)、交通研究系列(Transportation Research Part ABCDE)发表SCI论文45篇;培养了46名博士。
