5月28日下午,土耳其阿纳杜鲁大学Ferhan Sengur副教授在将军路校区2号楼为ob体育试玩 师生做了题为“Airport Business in the 21st Century”的学术报告。
报告中,Ferhan主要讨论了机场管理形式和商业模式在新时代经历的巨大变化。传统的机场由政府垄断管理,但是从21世纪开始,大量私人企业进驻机场商业,他们不仅作为投资者,还担任着运营管理者。由此,在公共基础设施建设方面,公私合营模式(Public Private Partnerships, PPPs)成为政府管理者欣然接纳地有效方法。Ferhan通过伊斯坦布尔新机场等新的大型机场项目等为例,说明PPPs可以通过私营部门实现融资,而无需任何公共支出负担。最后,Ferhan指出在这个商业转型时代,机场管理者应考虑技术、环境和社会转型对机场业务产生的影响。
Associate Professor Ferhan is from Department of Aviation Management Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics Anadolu University. She has rich experience in academic teaching, including teaching aviation business and management classes to undergraduate and graduate students and conducting researches on aviation business and management. Her research interests are directed primarily toward aviation business and management research in a variety of interrelated areas: Strategy, Intermodality, Logistics, Dangerous Goods, Transportation Policies, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Information systems. In recent years, dozens of academic papers have been published, and great progress has been made in the field of teaching in civil aviation.