

时间:2021-09-11来源:ob体育试玩 点击:4173


















[email protected][email protected]



2016-2020,陆军工程大学 兵器科学与技术 博士后

2009-2015,解放军理工大学 土木工程 博士

2002-2005,火箭军工程大学 航空宇航推进理论与工程 硕士

1998-2002,火箭军工程大学 工程力学 学士


2023-至今,南京航空航天大学,ob体育试玩 ,研究员








[1] 细观力学与多尺度计算方法研究;

[2] 抗冲击爆炸新材料、新结构和新方法;

[3] 人防、国防工程结构与设备的计算与设计;

[4] 机场工程防灾减灾研究。


[1] 国家自然基金面上项目,52178190,强动载下混凝土高压状态方程及细观破坏机理,59.0万元,主持;

[2] 国家自然基金面上项目,51478464,混凝土多尺度力学模型的建立及高应变速率下损伤破坏机理,89.0万元,主持;

[3] 国家自然基金青年项目,51108457,基于细观力学的全级配混凝土在强动载作用下损伤破坏机理,25.0万元,主持;

[4] 国防预研基金项目,6142414200505,智能雷场XXX研究,50.0万元,主持;

[5] 国家自然基金项目,51778623, 钢筋混凝土结构抗落石冲击作用研究在研,62.0万元,参与;

[6] 国家自然基金项目,51678566, 强动载下分层梯度泡沫金属宏细观力学性能与损伤破坏机理,66.0万元,参与;

[7] 国家自然基金项目,51738011, 复杂作用下钢管超高性能混凝土力学性能及设计计算理论研究,300.0万元,参与;

[8] 横向项目10余项。





[1] Zhangyu Wu, Hongfa Yu, Haiyan Ma, Jinhua Zhang*, Bo Da. Physical and mechanical properties of coral aggregates in the South China Sea. Journal of Building Engineering 2023; 63: 105478.

[2] Zhangyu Wu, Hongfa Yu, Jinhua Zhang*, Haiyan Ma. Mesoscopic study of the mechanical properties of coral aggregate concrete under complex loads. Composite Structures 2023;308: 116712.

[3] Jianbo Guo, Jinhua Zhang*, Haiyan Ma, Hongfa Yu, Zhangyu Wu, Wenliang Han, Ting Liu. Dynamic behavior of a new type of coral aggregate concrete: experimental and numerical investigation. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering-ASCE 2023. Accepted.

[4] Jinbo Guo, Jinhua Zhang*, Hongfa Yu, Haiyan Ma. Dynamic compressive behaviour of basic magnesium sulfate cement-coral aggregate concrete(BMSC-CAC) after exposure to elevated temperatures: Experimental and analytical studies. Construction and Building Materials 2023. Under Review.


[1] Jinhua Zhang, Zhangyu Wu, Hongfa Yu, Haiyan Ma, Bo Da. Mesoscopic modelling approach and application for steel fiber reinforced concrete under dynamic loading: A review. Engineering 2022;16: 220–238. (中国工程院院刊、顶刊)

[2] Jinhua Zhang, Xinguo Liu, Zhangyu Wu, Hhongfa Yu, Qin Fang. Fracture properties of steel fiber reinforced concrete: Size effect study via mesoscale modelling approach. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2022;260:108193. (Advances in Engineering (AIE)关键科学文章)

[3] Tianning Cui, Jinhua Zhang, Kaikai Li, Jixiang Peng, Hongen Chen, Qinghua Qin, Leong Hien Poh. Ballistic limit of sandwich plates with a metal foam core. Journal of Applied Mechanics 2022; 89(2): 021006.(国际应用力学领域旗舰期刊)

[4] Jinhua Zhang, Zhangyu Wu, Qin Fang, Li Chen, Kai Ding. Three dimensional mesoscale modelling of the compressive behaviors of coral sand. Granular Matter. 24(2): 1-19. (期刊封面文章)

[5] Jinhua Zhang, Xinguo Liu, Kai Ding, Zhangyu Wu. Dynamic splitting tensile behaviors of ceramic aggregate concrete: An experimental and mesoscopic study. Structural Concrete 2022;1-17.

[6] Zhangyu Wu, Jinhua Zhang*, Hongfa Yu, Haiyan Ma, Hao Wang, Guijia Zhang, Bing Yan. Experiment and mesoscopic modelling on the dynamic compressive behaviors of a new carbon fiber-reinforced cement-based composite. Cement and Concrete Composites 2022;130:104519.

[7] Zhangyu Wu, Jinhua Zhang*, HongfaYu. Mesoscopic particulate system assembled from three-dimensional irregular particles. Advanced Powder Technology 2022; 33(5):1-13.

[8] Jianbo Guo, Jinhua Zhang*, Hongfa Yu, Haiyan Ma, Zhangyu Wu. Experimental and 3D mesoscopic investigation of uniaxial compression performance on basic magnesium sulfate cement-coral aggregate concrete (BMSC-CAC). Composites Part B 2022;236:109760.

[9] Lu Feng, Xudong Chen, JinhuaZhang*, Changling Chen. Experimental and mesoscopic investigation of self-compacting rubberized concrete under dynamic splitting tension. Journal of Building Engineering 2022:57(1):104942.

[10] Boyu Chen, Hongfa Yu, Jinhua Zhang*, Haiyan Ma, Fangming Tian. Effects of the Embedding of Cohesive Zone Model on the Mesoscopic Fracture Behavior of Concrete: a Case Study of Uniaxial Tension and Compression Tests. Engineering Failure Analysis 2022;142:106709.


[1] Zhangyu Wu, Jinhua Zhang*, Hongfa Yu, Qin Fang, Li Chen. Experimental and mesoscopic investigation on the dynamic properties of coral aggregate concrete in compression. Science China Technological Sciences (《中国科学: 技术科学》(英文版)). 2021, 64: 1153-1166. (中国科学院院刊)

[2] Haiyan Ma, Zhangyu Wu, Jinhua Zhang*, Hongfa Yu, Limin Liang. Uniaxial compressive properties of ecological concrete: Experimental and three-dimensional (3D) mesoscopic investigation. Construction and Building Materials 2021;121034.

[3] Zhangyu Wu, Jinhua Zhang*, Qin Fang, Hongfa Yu, Haiyan Ma. 3D mesoscopic modelling on the dynamic properties of coral aggregate concrete under direct tension. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2021, 107636.

[4] Jinhua Zhang*, Zhangyu Wu, Yadong Zhang, Qin Fang, Hongfa Yu, Chunlin Jiang. Mesoscopic characteristics and macroscopic mechanical properties of coral aggregates. Construction and Building Materials 2021;309(22):125125.

[5] Zhangyu Wu, Jinhua Zhang*, Hongfa Yu, Qin Fang. 3D Mesoscopic analysis on the compressive behavior of coral aggregate concrete accounting for coarse aggregate volume and maximum aggregate size. Composite Structures. 2021, 273: 114271.

[6] Zhangyu Wu, Jinhua Zhang*,Qin Fang, Hongfa Yu, , Haiyan Ma. Specimen size effect on the splitting-tensile behavior of coral aggregate concrete: A 3D mesoscopic study. Engineering Failure analysis. 2021, 105395.

[7] Qi Yuan, Xiangzhen Kong, Jinhua Zhang, Jian Hong. Three-dimensional mesoscopic modelling of shock wave propagation and attenuation in gravel granular filter. Powder Technology 2021, 394(5).

[8] Lu Feng, Xudong Chen, Jinhua Zhang. Fatigue behavior and prediction model of self-compacting concrete under constant amplitude load and incremental amplitude load. International Journal of Fatigue, 2021, 145: 106107.

[9] Shengtao Li, Xudong Chen, Jinhua Zhang. Acoustic emission characteristics in deterioration behavior of dam concrete under post-peak cyclic test. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 292(1):123324.

[10] Rongzheng Xu, Li Chen, Jinhua Zhang, Hengbo Xiang, Qin Fang. Penetration of an optimal depleted uranium liner of a shaped charge: A numerical simulation method. International Journal of Protective Structures 2021;12(3):396-413.

[11] 吴彰钰, 张锦华*,余红发, 麻海燕, 方秦. 基于三维随机细观模型的珊瑚混凝土力学性能模拟[J]. 硅酸盐学报 2021, 49(11): 2518-2528.


[1] Zhangyu Wu, Jinhua Zhang*, Hongfa Yu, Haiyan Ma. 3D mesoscopic investigation of the specimen aspect-ratio effect on coral aggregate concrete. Composites Part B 2020;198(1):108025. (Advances in Engineering (AIE)关键科学文章)

[2] Zhangyu Wu, Jinhua Zhang*, Hongfa Yu, Qin Fang, Haiyan Ma, Li Chen. Three-Dimensional Mesoscopic Investigation on the Impact of Specimen Geometry and Bearing Strip Size on the Splitting-Tensile Properties of Coral Aggregate Concrete. Engineering. 2022;17:110-122. (中国工程院院刊、顶刊)

[3] Zhangyu Wu, Jinhua Zhang*, Hongfa Yu. 3D mesoscopic investigation on the quasi-static compressive properties of CAC. ACI Materials Journal 2021;118(4):121-132. (期刊封面文章)

[4] Haiyan Ma, Zhangyu Wu, Hongfa Yu, Jinhua Zhang*, Chengjun Yue. Experimental and three-dimensional mesoscopic investigation of coral aggregate concrete under dynamic splitting-tensile loading. Materials and Structures 2020;53(1):1-20.

[5] Peng Yan, Jinhua Zhang*, Xiangzhen Kong, Qin Fang. Numerical simulation of rockfall trajectory with consideration of arbitrary shapes of falling rocks and terrain. Computers and Geotechnics 2020; 122:103511.

[6] Jinhua Zhang, Changling Chen, Xiaojing Li, Xudong Chen, Yaoyao Zhang. Dynamic mechanical property of self-compacting rubber concrete under high strain rates. 2021, 33(2): 04020458 Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering.

[7] Zhangyu Wu, Jinhua Zhang*, Hongfa Yu, Haiyan Ma, Li Chen, Wen Dong, Yi Huan, Yadong Zhang. Coupling effect of strain rate and specimen size on the compressive properties of coral aggregate concrete: A 3D mesoscopic study. Composites Part B 2020; 200:108299.

[8] Xudong Chen, Dandan Shi, Jinhua Zhang, Xiyuan Cheng. Experimental study on loading rate and notch-to-depth ratio effects on flexural performance of self-compacting concrete with acoustic emission and digital image correlation technologies. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 2021;56(3):148-160.

[9] Dandan Shi, Xudong Chen, Jinhua Zhang, Xiyuan Cheng, Weitong Li, Zhenxiang Shi, Chaoguo Wu. Experimental study on post-peak cyclic strain behavior of self-compacting concrete combined with AE and DIC techniques. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 2020, 18, 364-373.

[10] Zhangyu Wu, Haiyan Ma, Hongfa Yu, Jinhua Zhang, Bo Da. Influence of rebar types on the service life of a coral aggregate concrete structure. Emerging Materials Research 2020;9(2): 347-359.

[11] Haiyan Ma, zhangyu Wu, Hongfa Yu, Jinhua Zhang, Bo Da. EIS Investigation on the Influence of Natural Releasing of Inhibitor from Coral Aggregate on the Steel Corrosion in Coral Aggregate Concrete. Advances in civil engineering materials 2020;9(1):621-642.

[12] Chengjun Yue, Haiyan Ma, Hongfa Yu, Jinhua Zhang, Li Chen, Qiquan Mei, Yongshan Tan, Ting Liu. Experimental and Three-dimensional Mesoscopic Simulation Study on Coral Aggregate Seawater Concrete with Dynamic Direct Tensile Technology. International Journal of Impact Engineering 2021;150:103776.

[13] Zhangyu Wu, Jinhua Zhang*, Hongfa Yu, Qin Fang. Mesoscopic modelling of concrete under static and dynamic loadings: A review. Construction and Building Materials, 2021;278:122419.

[14] Chengjun Yue, Hongfa Yu, Haiyan Ma, Qiquan Mei, Jinhua Zhang, Yadong Zhang. Uniaxial Compression of Sisal Fiber-Reinforced Coral Concrete. ACI Materials Journal 2020;117(5):251-262.


[1] 混凝土三维细观模型建模软件

[2] 纤维混凝土三维建模软件

[3] 超高性能混凝土三维细观建模软件

[4] 闭孔泡沫金属三维细观模型建模软件

[5] 三维随机多面体建模软件


[1] Fang Qin, Jinhua Zhang. Three-dimensional numerical modelling of oncrete-like materials subjected to dynamic loadings. In: Advances in Protective Structures, pp. 33-64,CRC Press, 2012. (国际防护结构学会( International Association of ProtectiveStructures)最新研究进展系列第一部专著的一章, ISBN: 978-0-203-07308-7


[1] 大学生创新训练计划项目(SRTP):“冲击爆炸等动荷载作用下混凝土材料三维细观模型研究”;

[2] 大学生创新训练计划项目(SRTP):“超高性能混凝土静动态力学性能的试验研究”。


[1] 2023年,“全级配混凝土三维细观模型的建模方法研究”入选高PCSI论文、高被引论文、高下载论文;

[2] 2022年,“混凝土三维细观模型”入选Granular Matter期刊封面;

[3] 2022年,“纤维混凝土细观模型”成果入选全球著名机构“工程进展(Advances in EngineeringAIE)”关键科学技术;

[4] 2022年,第29届青年教师授课竞赛三等奖;

[5] 2022年,第64届青年教师优秀奖;

[6] 2021年,新华日报科技版2次专题报道“珊瑚混凝土三维细观模型”研究成果;

[7] 2021年,获天津市科技进步一等奖;

[8] 2021年,“珊瑚混凝土三维细观模型”入选全球著名机构“工程进展(Advances in EngineeringAIE)”关键科学技术;

[9] 2021年,“珊瑚混凝土三维细观模型”入选ACI Materials Journal期刊封面;

[10] 2019年,获军队科技进步一等奖;

[11] 2017年,获军队优秀博士学位论文奖;

[12] 2017年,获大学优秀教学团队成果奖;

[13] 2016年,获江苏省优秀博士学位论文奖;

[14] 2016年,获大学优秀教学成果奖。


[1] 2019年至今  江苏省抗震防灾专业委员会  委员;

[2] 2018年至今  全国基础设施防震减灾青年委员会  委员;

[3] 2017年至今  中国建筑学会新材料及新型结构专业委员会  委员;

[4] 2016年至今  江苏省结构复合材料专业委员会  委员;

[5] 2012年至今  International Association of Protective Structures  Member

[6] 30余本国内外专业期刊审稿人。
