姓名 | 肖飞 | 性别 | 男 | 出生 年月 | 1987.08 | ||
职称/职务 | 副高/系副主任 | 导师 类别 | 硕士导师 | ||||
研究领域 | 工程数据分析与挖掘、新能源开发、裂隙岩体渗流 | ||||||
招生学科 | 地下工程及交叉学科 | ||||||
联系方式 |
一、教育背景 | |
2007年9月~2011年6月,本科,华中科技大学,船舶与海洋工程 2011年9月~2014年3月,硕士,上海交通大学,船舶与海洋工程 2014年8月~2018年8月,博士,Nanyang Technological University (Singapore),土木工程 | |
二、工作经历 | |
2018年8月~ 2019年5月,NTU-JTC Industrial Infrastructure Innovation Centre (I3C),Data Analyst 2019年5月~ 2019年7月,SJ-NTU Corporate Lab,Research Fellow | |
三、教学与科研 | |
教学课程 | |
研究方向 |
研究项目 | 2014~2019,True Improvement in Grouting High pressure Technology,多国合作科研项目,负责构建理论模型和数据分析 2019~2021,Investigation on Underground LNG Storage Solution,新能源存储与利用工程研究项目,负责多物理场建模与分析 |
论文专著教材及 专利软著 | 论文: Xiao Fei*, Qian Liu, Zhao Zhiye, Information and Knowledge Behind Data from Underground Rock Grouting. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering [J], 2021. Xiao, F., J. Shang, A. Wanniarachchi and Z. Zhao (2021). "Assessing fluid flow in rough rock fractures based on machine learning and electrical circuit model." Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 206: 109126. Wang, X., Xiao, F., Zhang, Q., Zhou, A., & Liu, R. (2021). Grouting characteristics in rock fractures with rough surfaces: apparatus design and experimental study. Measurement, 184(20), 109870. Fei Xiao, Zhiye Zhao. Influence of fracture deformation on grout penetrability in fractured rock masses[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020, 102: 103431. Liu Q, Xiao F*, Zhao Z. Grouting knowledge discovery based on data mining[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020, 95: 103093. Xiao F, Shang J, Zhao Z. DDA based grouting prediction and linkage between fracture aperture distribution and grouting characteristics[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 112: 350-369. Xiao F, Zhao Z. Evaluation of equivalent hydraulic aperture (EHA) for rough rock fractures[J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2019, 56(10): 1486-1501. Xiao F, Zhao Z, Chen H. A simplified model for predicting grout flow in fracture channels[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2017, 70: 11-18. Yang H, Xiao F, 2014. Instability analyses of a top-tensioned riser under combined vortex and multi-frequency parametric excitations. Ocean Engineering: 81 (0), 12-28. Yang H, Xiao F, Xu P, 2013. Parametric instability prediction in a top-tensioned riser in irregular waves. Ocean Engineering, 70: 39-50. Xiao F, Yang H, 2013. Probabilistic assessment of parametric instability of a top tensioned riser in irregular waves. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 19(3): 245-256. Shang J, Jayasinghe L B, Xiao F, et al. Three-dimensional DEM investigation of the fracture behaviour of thermally degraded rocks with consideration of material anisotropy[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 104: 102330. Liu Q, Zhao Z, Nie W, Sun J, & Xiao F. An Analytical Investigation on the Estimation of Water Inflow into a Circular Tunnel Based On site Data. Yang H, Wang Z, Xiao F, 2017. Parametric resonance of submerged floating pipelines with bi-frequency parametric and vortex-induced oscillations excitations. Ships and Offshore Structures, 12(3), 395-403. Zhang X, Yang H, Xiao, F, et al. (2017). Ince-Strutt stability charts for ship parametric roll resonance in irregular waves. China Ocean Engineering, 31(4), 447-457. Xiao F, Yang H, 2014. Hill stability prediction of deep-sea Steel Catenary Riser. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (EI) 48(04):583-588. Xiao F, Yang H, Lu Q, et al, 2013. Vortex-induced parametric resonance of top tensioned riser based on bi-frequency excitation. Ocean Engineering (Chinese Core), 31(2): 28-34. Guo, Yx., Zhang, Qs., Xiao, F. et al. Grouting rock fractures under condition of flowing water. Carbonates Evaporites 35, 96 (2020) 专利: A Hybrid System With In-Ground LNG Storage, Single-Well Geothermal Exploitation And Power Generation |
其他教学科研标志性工作 |
四、荣誉奖项 | |
Best presentation, the SRMEG (Singapore) Outstanding Paper Award 2021 Second runner-up, the SRMEG (Singapore) Outstanding Paper Award 2018 & 2019 | |
五、其他(社会兼职等) | |
新加坡岩石力学与工程地质协会(The Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering Geology, SRMEG),会员 中国岩石力学与工程学会(Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering, CSRME),会员 |