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2012.05~2014.09  南京航空航天大学 力学  博士后(在职)

2010.09~2011.08  日本东京工芸大学 风工程研究中心  联合培养(博士)

2008.03~2011.12  同济大学 土木工程学院 风工程  博士

2005.09~2008.01  中国地震局工程力学研究所 结构工程研究室 结构工程  硕士

2000.09~2004.07  西安科技大学 建筑与土木工程学院 土木工程  学士


2023.10  入选国家级高层次人才

2022.04~至今    南京航空航天大学  教务处 副处长

2019.12  入选国家级高层次青年人才

2019.10~2022.04  南京航空航天大学  ob体育试玩 副院长

2018.04~2019.10  南京航空航天大学  土木与机场工程系 教授(破格晋升)、博导

2014.04~2018.04  南京航空航天大学  土木工程系 副教授、硕导

2012.01~2014.04  南京航空航天大学  土木工程系 讲师

2004.07~2005.06  江苏沪宁钢机股份有限公司  助理工程师









[1] 国家自然科学基金NSFC-RGC合作研究重点项目,52321165649,深远海新一代风浪联合发电结构抗台风理论与降载减振关键技术研究,2024.01-2027.12300万元(在研,主持);

[2] 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2022YFB4201201,复杂风况、海况、地质以及地震等工况模型,2022.12-2026.11608万元(在研,主持);

[3] 国家自然科学基金NSFC-RS合作交流项目,52211530086,风能-波浪能联合发电结构体系非线性抗风设计理论及强健性研究,2022.06-2024.0510万元(在研,主持);

[4] 江苏省自然科学基金杰出青年基金,BK20211518,风工程与结构抗风前沿研究,2021.09-2025.08100万元(在研,主持);

[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52078251,台风-浪耦合作用下海上浮式风力机体系风振失效机理与降载减振新策略,2021.01-2024.1258万元(在研,主持);

[6] 国家重点研发计划项目课题,2019YFB1503701,面向深远海的大功率海上风电机组及关键部件设计研发,2019.12-2023.05196万元(结题,主持);

[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51878351,基于结构强健性台风下200m级冷却塔多尺度破坏机理及设计理论研究,2019.01-2022.1260万元(结题,主持);

[8] 国家自然科学基金NSFC-RGC合作研究项目,5176116502210MW级风力机体系风致非线性自激系统能量转移机理及应用基础研究,2018.01-2021.1281万元(结题,主持);

[9] 国家自然科学基金民航联合基金,U1733129,台风下中/小尺度模式耦合航站楼屋盖非线性振动机理及应用研究,2018.01-2020.1238万元(结题,主持);

[10] 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2017YFE0132000,中国澳大利亚近海风能波浪能联合研究,2017.12-2022.12105万元(结题,主持);

[11] 江苏省自然科学基金优秀青年基金,BK20160083,超大型冷却塔施工全过程风振机理与风荷载模型研究,2016.09-2019.0850万元(结题,主持);

[12] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,51208254,复杂环境下超大型冷却塔风振机理与等效静风荷载研究,2013.01-2015.1225万元(结题,主持);

[13] 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金,BK2012390,超大型冷却塔风振耦合机理及气动抗风措施研究,2013.01-2015.1220万元(结题,主持)。


[1] 江苏省教改项目,民航特色高校土木类专业卓越人才培养体系研究与实践,2023年;

[2] 研究生教改项目,基于虚拟仿真技术的结构风工程创新实践教学改革研究,2019年;

[3] 国家虚拟仿真实验教学项目,大型建筑风洞仿真国家虚拟仿真实验教学项目,2018年;

[4] 本科生教改项目,结构风工程教学改革与评价体系研究,2017年。




  1. Li W, Ke S, Chen X, et al. Collapse Mechanism and Failure Criterion of Superlarge Cooling Tower under Tornado[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2024, 150(3): 04023241.

  2. Wenjie Li, Shitang Ke*, Zebin Cai, et al. Instability mechanism and failure criteria of large-span flexible PV support arrays under severe wind[J]. Solar Energy, 2023, 264: 112000.

  3. Wang H, Wang T, Ke S, et al. Assessing code-based design wind loads for offshore wind turbines in China against typhoons[J]. Renewable Energy, 2023, 212: 669-682.

  4. Jiufa Cao, Zhaojie Qin, Yi Ju, Yuanhang Chen, Xiang Shen, Shitang Ke. Study of air compressibility effects on the aerodynamic performance of the IEA-15MW offshore wind turbine[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 282: 116883.

  5. Cao J, Qin Z, Gao X, Pu T, Zhu W, Ke S, Shen X. Study of aerodynamic performance and wake effects for offshore wind farm cluster[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 280: 114639.

  6. Wang F W, Zhou K M, Ke S T. Research on dynamic load carrying capacity of assembled internal stiffening wind turbine tower based on multi-scale modeling[J]. Advanced Steel Construction, 2023, 19(1): 86-90.

  7. Hongxin Wu, Shitang Ke*, Manman Lu, et al. Research on vibration suppression effect and energy dissipation mechanism of wind turbine piezoelectric blade[J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2023, 117, 103814.

  8. Wenjie Li, Shitang Ke*, Jing Chen, et al. Hydrodynamic response and energy analysis in a very large floating structure supporting a marine airport under typhoon-driven waves[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 266: 112987.

  9. Hehe Ren, Shitang Ke*, Jimy Dudhia. Hurricane wind disaster assessment methods on coastal structures based on area and radial distribution integration[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 266: 112804.

  10. Manman Lu, Shitang Ke*, Hongxin Wu, et al. A novel forecasting method of flutter critical wind speed for the 15 MW wind turbine blade based on aeroelastic wind tunnel test[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2022, 230: 105195.

  11. Shoutu Li, Qin Chen, Ye Li*, Stefan Pröbsting, Congxin Yang, Xiaobo Zheng, YannianYang, Weijun Zhu, Wenzhong Shen, Faming Wu, Deshun Li, Tongguang Wang, Shitang Ke. Experimental investigation on noise characteristics of small scale vertical axis wind turbines in urban environments[J]. Renewable Energy, 2022. 200: 970-982.

  12. Ren H H, Dudhia J, Ke S T*, et al. The basic wind characteristics of idealized hurricanes of different intensity levels[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 225 (2022), 104980.

  13. Ren H H, Ke S T*, Dudhia J, et al. Wind disaster assessment of landfalling typhoons in different regions of China over 2004–2020[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 228 (2022), 105084.E

  14. Xu Chen, Lin Zhao, Shiyu Zhao, Shitang Ke, Shuyang Cao, Yaojun Ge. Tornado-induced collapse analysis of a super-large reinforced concrete cooling tower[J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 269: 114834.

  15. Li W, Ke S, Han G, et al. Research on Collapse Mechanism and Failure Criterion of Superlarge Cooling Tower under Downburst Effect[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2022, 148(10): 04022160.

  16. Wang S, Ke S T*, Zhao Y F, et al. Research on Hydrodynamics of Foundation Structure of Offshore Wind Turbine under Typhoon-wave-current Coupling[J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2022, 25(12): 2558-2576.

  17. Zhu T, Ke S*, Li W, et al. WRF-CFD/CSD Analytical Method of Hydroelastic Responses of Ultra-large Floating Body on Maritime airport under Typhoon-Wave-Current Coupling Effect[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 261: 112022.

  18. Jiang B, Ding J, Ke S, et al. Preliminary Study on the Co-Location Offshore Wind and Wave Farms in Zhejiang Province[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022, 10: 922072.

  19. Zhang J, Yuan G K, Zhu S, Gu Q, Ke S T, Lin J H. Seismic analysis of 10MW offshore wind turbine with large-diameter monopile in consideration of seabed liquefaction[J]. Energies, 2022, 15(7): 2539.

  20. H. Wang, S.T. Ke*, T.G. Wang, A. Kareem, L. Hu, Y.J. Ge, Multi-stage typhoon-induced wind effects on offshore wind turbines using a data-driven wind speed field model[J]. Renewable Energy, 2022, 188: 765-777.

  21. Wenjie Li, Shitang Ke*, JieYang, Hongxin Wu, Feitian Wang, Guangquan Han. Wind-induced Collapse Mechanism and Failure Criteria of Super-large Cooling Tower based on Layered Shell Element Model[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2022, 221, 104907.

  22. Gao Z. T., Li Y., Wang T. G., Ke S. T.. Recent improvements of actuator line-large-eddy simulation method for wind turbine wakes[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2021, 42(4): 511-26.

  23. Shitang Ke*, Guangquan Han, Rongkuan Zhu, Xiaohai Wang, Jie Yang. Suction and action mechanisms of flow field in a super-large cooling tower in typhoon conditions[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE. 2021, 147(9): 05021004.

  24. Qinlin Cai; Songye Zhu*; Shitang Ke. Can we unify vibration control and energy harvesting objectives in energy regenerative tuned mass dampers[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2020, 29(8): 087002.

  25. Hao Wang, Shitang Ke*, Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge. Comparison of wind-induced dnamic property of super-large cooling tower considering different four-tower interferences[J]. Structural design of tall and special buildings, 2020, 29(11): e1749.

  26. H. Wang, S.T. Ke*, T.G. Wang, S.Y. Zhu, Typhoon-induced vibration response and the working mechanism of large wind turbine considering multi-stage effects[J]. Renewable Energy, 2020, 153: 740-758.

  27. Shitang Ke*, Yifan Dong, RongkuanZhu, Tongguang Wang. Wind-sand coupling movement induced by strong typhoon and its influences on aerodynamic force distribution of the wind turbine[J]. Wind and Structures, 2020, 30(4): 433-450.

  28. Shitang Ke*, Lu Xu, Tongguang Wang. Aerodynamic performance and wind-induced responses of large wind turbine systems with meso-scale typhoon effects[J]. Energies, 2019, 12(19), 3696.

  29. Shitang Ke*, Wenlin Yu, Yaojun Ge. Research on aerodynamic force and structural response of SLCT under wind-rain two-way coupling environment[J]. Wind and Structures, 2019, 29(4): 247-270.

  30. J J Tang, H Wu*, S T Ke, Q Fang. Numerical simulations of a large-scale cooling tower against the impact of commercial aircrafts[J]. Thin-walled Structures, 2019, 144: 106367.

  31. Shitang Ke*, Rongkuan Zhu. Research on Typhoon-induced Wind Pressure Characteristics on Large Terminal Roof based on Mesoscale/Microscale Coupling[J]. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019, 32(6): 04019093.

  32. S S Cao, S T Ke, W M Zhang, L Zhao, Y J Ge, X X Cheng. Load-response-correlation-based equivalent static wind loads for large cooling towers[J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2019, 22(11): 2464-2475.

  33. Shitang Ke*, Wenlin Yu, Yaojun Ge. A study on the working mechanism of internal pressure of super-large cooling towers based on two-way coupling between wind and rain[J]. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2019, 70(4): 479-497.

  34. Shitang Ke*, Peng Zhu, Yaojun Ge. Effects of different wind deflectors on wind loads for extra-large cooling towers[J]. Wind and Structures, 2018. 28(5): 299-313.

  35. Hao Wang, Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Extreme and spectrum characteristics of wind loads on SLCT under different four-tower combinations[J]. Advances in structural engineering, 2019. 22(5): 1238-1250.

  36. Shitang Ke*, Wei Yu, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Shuyang Cao. The Influence of Internal Ring Beams on the Internal Pressure for Large Cooling Towers with Wind-Thermal Coupling Effect[J]. Wind and Structures, 2019. 28(1): 1-17.

  37. Hao Wang, Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge. Research on non-stationary wind-induced effects of full scale super-large cooling tower based on filed measurement[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2019. 184: 61-76.

  38. Shitang Ke*, Wenlin Yu, Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge. Aerodynamic performance and wind-induced effect of large-scale wind turbine system under yaw and wind-rain combination action[J]. Renewable Energy, 2019. 136: 235-253.

  39. Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang, Yaojun Ge. A comparative study on stationary and non-stationary wind-induced effects of super-large cooling tower based on field measurements[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019. 137: 331-346.

  40. Shitang Ke*, Xiaohai Wang, Yaojun Ge. Wind load and wind-induced effect of the large wind turbine tower-blade system considering blade yaw and interference[J]. Wind and Structures, 2019, 28(2): 71-87.

  41. Cheng Xiaoxiang, Ke Shitang, Li Pengfei, Ge Yaojun, Zhao Lin. External extreme wind pressure distribution for the structural design of cooling towers[J]. Engineering Structures, 2018, 181:336-355.

  42. Shitang Ke*, Lingyun Du, Yaojun Ge. Wind-induced internal pressure effect within a novel super-large cylindrical-conical steel cooling tower[J]. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2018. 27(15): e1510.

  43. Shitang Ke*, Wenlin Yu, Yaojun Ge. Wind Load Characteristics and Action Mechanism on Internal and External Surfaces of Super-Large Cooling Towers under Wind-Rain Combined Effects[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, 2921709.

  44. Shitang Ke*, Wei Yu, Lu Xu, Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Identification of damping ratio and its influences on wind and earthquake induced effects for large cooling towers[J]. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2018. 27(12): e1488.

  45. Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang, Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge. Comparison of comprehensive stress performances of super-large cooling tower in different four-tower arrangements under 3D asymmetric wind loads[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2018. 179C: 158-172.

  46. Shitang Ke*, Lingyun Du, Yaojun Ge, Qing Yang, Hao Wang, Yukio Tamura. A study on the action mechanism of internal pressures in straight-cone steel cooling tower under two-way coupling between wind and rain[J]. Wind and Structures, 2018. 27(1): 11-27.

  47. Shitang Ke*, Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge, Hao Wang. Wind-induced fatigue of large HAWT coupled tower-blade structures considering aeroelastic and yaw effects[J]. Structural design of tall and special buildings, 2018, 27(9): e1467.

  48. Jiufa Cao, Weijun Zhu, Tongguang Wang*, Shitang Ke. Aerodynamic optimization of wind turine rotor using CFD/AD method[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2018, 32(12):1840053.

  49. Long Wang, Ran Han, Tongguang Wang*, Shitang Ke. Uniform decomposition and positive-gradient differential evolution for multi-objective design of wind turbine blade[J]. Energies, 2018. 11(5): 1262.

  50. Shitang Ke*, Lu Xu, Yaojun Ge. Sensitivity analysis and estimation method of natural frequency for large cooling tower based on field measurement[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018. 127: 809-821.

  51. Shitang Ke*, Lu Xu, Yaojun Ge. Study of random characteristics of fluctuating wind loads on ultra-large cooling towers in full construction process[J]. Wind and Structures, 2018. 26(4): 191-204.

  52. Shitang Ke*, Lingyun Du, Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Multi-dimensional Wind Vibration Coefficients under Suction for Ultra-large Cooling Towers Considering Ventilation Rates of Louvers[J]. Structural engineering and mechanics, 2018. 66(2): 273-283.

  53. Shitang Ke*, Wei Yu, Peng Zhu, Yaojun Ge, Xianan Hou. Full-scale measurements and damping ratio properties of cooling towers with typical heights and configurations[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018. 124: 437-448.

  54. Shitang Ke*, Lu Xu, Yaojun Ge. The aerostatic response and stability performance of a wind turbine tower-blade coupled system considering blade shutdown position[J]. Wind and Structures, 2017, 25(6), 507-535.

  55. Shitang Ke*, Lingyun Du, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Yukio Tamura. A study on the average wind load characteristics and wind-induced responses of a super-large straight-cone steel cooling tower[J]. Wind and Structures, 2017. 25(5): 433-457.

  56. Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang, Yaojun Ge. Interference effect and the working mechanism of wind loads in super-large cooling towers under typical four-tower arrangements[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2017. 170: 197-213.

  57. Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang, Yaojun Ge. Multi-dimensional extreme aerodynamic load calculation in super-large cooling towers under typical four-tower arrangements[J]. Wind and Structures, 2017. 25(2): 101-129.

  58. Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang, Yaojun Ge. Non-Gaussian Characteristics and Extreme Distribution of Fluctuating Wind Pressures on Large Cylindrical-Conical Steel Cooling Towers[J]. Structural design of tall and special buildings, 2017. 26(18): e1403.

  59. Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang. Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Shuyang Cao. Equivalent Static Wind Loads Analysis of Tall Television Towers Considering Terrain Factors of Hilltops based on Force Measurement Experiment[J]. Structural engineering and mechanics, 2017. 63(4): 509-519.

  60. Shitang Ke*, Wei Yu. Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Analysis of the effect of blade positions on the aerodynamic The effect of blade positions on the aerodynamic performances of wind turbine system[J]. Wind and Structures, 2017. 24(3): 205-221.

  61. Shitang Ke*, Wei Yu. Tongguang Wang, Lin Zhao, Yaojun Ge. Wind loads and load-effects of large scale wind turbine tower with different halt positions of blade[J]. Wind and Structures, 2016. 23(6): 559-575.

  62. Shitang Ke*, Hao Wang. Yaojun Ge. Wind load effects and equivalent static wind loads of three-tower connected tall buildings based on wind tunnel tests[J]. Structural engineering and mechanics, 2016, 58(6): 967-988.

  63. Shitang Ke*, Tongguang Wang. Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Aerodynamic loads and aeroelastic responses of WT tower-blade system in yaw condition[J]. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2015, 56(6): 1021-1040.

  64. Shitang Ke*, Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Aeroelastic Responses of ultra Large Wind Turbine tower-blade coupled structures with SSI Effect[J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2015, 18(12): 2075-2087.

  65. Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Tongguang Wang, Jiufa Cao, Yukio Tamura. Wind field simulation and wind-induced responses of large wind turbine tower-blade coupled structure[J]. Structural design of tall and special buildings, 2015, 24(8), 571-590.

  66. Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge. Extreme wind pressures and non-Gaussian characteristics for super-large hyperbolic cooling towers considering aero-elastic effect[J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. 2015, 141(7), 04015010.

  67. Shitang Ke*, Jun Liang, Lin Zhao, Yaojun Ge. Influence of ventilation rate on the aerodynamic interference for two IDCTs by CFD[J]. Wind and Structures, 2015, 20(3): 449-468.

  68. Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao. Wind-induced vibration characteristics and parametric analysis of large hyperbolic cooling towers with different feature sizes[J]. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2015, 54(5), 891-908.

  69. Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Yukio Tamura. Stability and reinforcement analysis of super-large exhaust cooling towers based on a wind tunnel test[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE. 2015, 141(12), 04015066.

  70. Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge. The influence of self-excited forces on wind loads and wind effects for super-large cooling towers[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2014, 132: 125-135.

  71. Shitang Ke*, Tongguang Wang, Yaojun Ge, Yukio Tamura. Wind-induced responses and equivalent static wind loads of tower-blade coupled large wind turbine system[J]. Structural engineering and mechanics, 2014. 52(3): 485-505.

  72. Xiaoxiang Cheng*, Lin Zhao, Yaojun Ge, Shitang Ke, Xiaopeng Liu. Wind Pressures on a Large Cooling Tower[J]. Advances in structural engineering, 2014, 18(2): 201-212.

  73. Lin Zhao, Xu Chen, Shitang Ke, Yaojun Ge*. Aerodynamic and aero-elastic performances of super-large cooling towers[J], Wind and Structures, 2014, 19(4): 443-465.

  74. Junfeng Zhang*, Huai Chen, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Shitang Ke. Effects of stiffening rings on the dynamic properties of hyperboloidal cooling towers[J]. Structural engineering and mechanics, 2014. 49(5): 619-629.

  75. Shitang Ke*, Yaojun Ge, Lin Zhao, Yukio Tamura. A new methodology for analysis of equivalent static wind loads on super-large cooling towers[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2012, 111(3): 30-39.



[1] 2023年,指导张鹏洋主持国家级大学生创新训练计划项目《百米级超长柔性风电叶片非线性气弹模拟与减振研究》,202310287045Z,在研;

[2] 2023年,指导颜铭主持国家级大学生创新训练计划项目《台风-浪作用下大型半潜式海上机场平台非线性荷载模型》,202310287046Z,在研;

[3] 2023年,指导汪雪婷主持天目启航项目《海上机场平台多模块柔性连接模型力学性能研究》,TMH2023080,在研;

[4] 2023年,指导张斓主持天目启航项目《海上风-浪耦合作用下大跨柔性光伏支架结构设计》,TMH2023087,在研;

[5] 2022年,指导俞昀森主持国家级大学生创新训练计划项目《风浪联合发电结构体系台风--流多重非线性气动/水动荷载模型研究》,2022CX007015,结题;

[6] 2022年,指导毛竞竹主持国家级大学生创新训练计划项目《大型海上浮式机场平台台风-浪耦合驱动机理研究》,202210287160Y,结题;

[7] 2020年,指导秦岩主持国家级大学生创新训练计划项目《强台风作用下大跨度航站楼连续倒塌数值模拟》,202010287072Z,结题;

[8] 2019年,指导刘凌峰主持国家级创新基金项目《考虑气弹耦合效应10MW级大型风力机抗风性能研究》,201910287013Z,结题。


[1] 2023年,指导赵坤坤主持校创新计划项目《环形台风影响下风力机叶片振动响应及减振抑振措施研究》,xcxjh20230105,在研;

[2] 2023年,指导孙星宇主持校创新计划项目《基于卫星资料/气象数值预报的深远海多尺度台风场智能反演与重构》,xcxjh20230704,在研;

[3] 2023年,指导王威主持校创新计划项目《大跨柔性光伏支架阵列脉动风荷载特性与风振响应研究》,xcxjh20230726,在研;

[4] 2022年,指导吴鸿鑫主持江苏省科研与实践创新计划《台风--流耦合作用浮式风力机风振特性与失效机理》,KYCX22_0333,在研;

[5] 2022年,指导张春伟主持江苏省科研与实践创新计划《基于WRF/CFD耦合与数据驱动深远海台风场反演及工程模型》,KYCX22_0374,在研;

[6] 2022年,指导陈明珠主持校创新计划项目《基于卫星数据驱动的深远海多尺度台风-浪场反演及风-浪能联合分布模型构建》,xcxjh20220704,结题;

[7] 2021年,指导李文杰主持江苏省科研与实践创新计划《台风-波浪-飞机耦合作用海上浮式机场非线性振动机理研究》,KYCX21_0234,结题;

[8] 2021年,指导高沐恩主持校创新计划项目《海上风力机超长柔性叶片气弹分析与颤振特性研究》,xcxjh20210711,结题;

[9] 2021年,指导赵永发主持校创新计划项目《台风--流耦合作用风-浪联合发电结构非线性振动能量耗散机理研究》,xcxjh20210713,结题;

[10] 2021年,指导陈静主持校创新计划项目《台风---海床耦合作用海上机场浮式流场驱动机理与荷载模型》,xcxjh20210719,结题;

[11] 2019年,指导王飞天主持校创新计划项目《200m级特大型冷却塔多尺度建模技术与连续倒塌机理研究》,项目编号:kfjj20190715,结题。


[1] 2023年,中组部国家“万人计划”领军人才;

[2] 2023年,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才;

[3] 2022年,江苏省科技进步二等奖(排1);

[4] 2022年,广西科技进步一等奖(排3);

[5] 2022年,山东省科技进步二等奖(排4);

[6] 2022年,工信部国防科技进步二等奖(排10);

[7] 2022年,中国振动工程学会青年科技奖;

[8] 2022年,南京航空航天大学“良师益友——我最喜爱的导师”;

[9] 2021年,江苏省能源研究会青年能源科技特等奖;

[10] 2021年,“感动南航”年度人物;

[11] 2020年,中国可再生能源学会优秀青年科技人才奖;

[12] 2020年,河北省科技进步奖二等奖(排4);

[13] 2019年,教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者;

[14] 2019年,中国振动工程学会科技进步一等奖(排2);

[15] 2018年,江苏省科技进步奖一等奖(排5);

[16] 2018年,中国能建科技进步一等奖(排2);

[17] 2018年,环境保护科学技术奖二等奖(排2);

[18] 2018年,江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才计划;

[19] 2015年,江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师计划;

[20] 2015年,上海市科技进步奖二等奖(排7);


