

时间:2021-09-08来源:ob体育试玩 点击:4766


















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2010.11-2015.6 比利时根特大学,理学院,地理系,社会与经济地理专业,博士,

导师:Prof. Frank Witlox & Prof. Ben Derudder

2007.9-2009.7  北京交通大学,交通运输学院,系统工程专业,硕士

2003.9-2007.7  北京交通大学,交通运输学院,交通运输管理专业,大学本科


2016.3-至今 ob体育试玩-ob体育app ,交通运输系,讲师







[1] 纵向项目 网络面板数据模型下嵌入多主体关系的航空网络演化机理研究 青年科学基金项目 1007-GBA17118-56 28.8万元 主持 结题 2018-01-01

[2] 横向项目 江苏省双创博士项目6454 横向 1007-KFA18730 7.5万元 主持 结题 2018-09-01

[3] 纵向项目 基于复杂网络的航空客运网络动态演化机理研究 校人才科研启动基金1007-YAH16050 6万元 主持 结题 2016-06-15

[4] 横向项目 多主体链影响下的航空网络动态演化规律和网络面板数据建模方法研究 横向 MCA19013 3万元 主持 结题 2018-12-25

[5] 横向项目 上海机场“平安机场”课题研究咨询项目 横向1007-KFA20709-02 3万元 参与 在研 2020-07-28




(1) Shengrun Zhang #*, Ben Derudder, Frank Witlox, The impact of hub hierarchy and market competition on airfare pricing in US hub-to-hub markets. Journal of Air Transport Management, 2013, 32, 65-70 2SSCI

(2) Shengrun Zhang #*, Ben Derudder, Frank Witlox, The determinants of full-service carriers airfares in European hub-to-hub markets. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 2014, 14, 449-467

(3) Shengrun Zhang, Ben Derudder*, Frank Witlox, Dynamics in the European Air Transport Network, 2003–9: An Explanatory Framework Drawing on Stochastic Actor-Based Modeling. Networks & Spatial Economics, 2015, 16(2):1-21 2SCI

(4) Shengrun Zhang #*, Derudder, B., Kurt Fuellhart, Frank Witlox, Carriers’ entry patterns under EU-US open skies agreement. Transportation Research Part E Logistics & Transportation Review 2018, 111, 101-112 1SCI

(5) Shengrun Zhang(#)(*); Kurt Fuellhart; Wendong Yang; Xiaowei Tang; Frank Witlox, Factors shaping non-stop airline services in the transatlantic air transport market: 2015–2017, Journal of Transport Geography, 2019.8.13 , 80(1)1~9 1SSCI

(6) Shengrun Zhang(#)(*); Kurt Fuellhart; Yanjun Wang; Weiwei Wu; Jinfu Zhu; Frank Witlox, Congestion spillover effects of Chinese hub airports on international connecting traffic, Transportmetrica A:Transport Science, 2019.11.29 , 15(2)1339~1359 2SCI

(7) Shengrun Zhang(#); Frank Witlox, Analyzing the Impact of Different Transport Governance Strategies on Climate Change, Sustainability, 2019.12.25 , 12(200)1~20 SCI

(8) 张生润(#); 郑海龙; 李涛; 唐小卫; 王姣娥, 枢纽机场的国际中转客流拥堵溢出效应研究, 地理研究, 2019.7.16 , 38(11)2716~2729

(9) 张生润(#); 郑海龙; 胡越, 产品差异化对航空公司进入国际市场影响研究, 华东交通大学学报, 2019.5.7 , 36(6)55~63

(10) 张生润(#)(*); 郑海龙; 胡越, 新建科研团队学术活动长效机制探索, 教育现代化, 2019.6.25 , 51(3)20~22

(11) 张生润(#); 郑海龙, 国航中转航班时空间分布特性及影响研究,华东交通大学学报,2020, 37(5)

(12) Shengrun Zhang(#)(*), Hailong Zheng, Yuting Chen, Frank Witlox, Factors influencing the hub connectivity of Beijing Capital Airport in its international markets, Journal of Air Transport Management, 2020, 882SSCI

(13) Shengrun Zhang(#), Yue Hu(*), Xiaowei Tang, Kurt Fuellhart, Liang Dai, Frank Witlox, Modeling the Evolutionary Mechanism of China’s Domestic Air Transport Network, Sustainability, 2020, 12SCI

2. 学术专著和专利

(1) 张生润(#)(*); 唐小卫, 航空运输网络与运营实践, 中国民航出版社, 147千字,2019.12.23


(1) 中国专利, 张生润(#)(*); 程龙; 郑海龙; 胡越; 唐小卫; 杨文东, 基于网络演化影响因子的航线开通预测方法, 申请, 2019.02.02, 201910106310.4

(2) 中国专利, 张生润(#)(*); 唐小卫; 胡越; 郑海龙, 一种评估政策对航空公司国际航线开通影响的方法, 申请, 2019.09.11, 201910857573.9


(1) Li, T., Zhang, S. *, Cao X., Witlox, F., 2018. Does a circular high-speed rail network promote efficiency and spatial equity in transport accessibility? Evidence from Hainan Island, China. Transportation Planning & Technology 41 (7), 779-795


(1) Ding, X., Zhang, S., Liu, Z., Hu, H., Xu, X., & Xu, W. The analysis and calculation method of urban rail transit carrying capacity based on express-slow mode. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, //dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/6820394

(2) O’Connor, K., Fuellhart, K., Zhang, S., 2018. Change in the role of cities in China’s air transport 2005–2015. Asian Geographer 35(1), 1-14

(3) 孔明星; 张生润; 朱金福; 宿爱静; 姜思露, 低成本航空公司航线决策影响因素分析, 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版), 2019.6.1 , 43(3)1~6

(4) Weiwei Wu, Haoyu Zhang, Shengrun Zhang, and Frank Witlox, Community Detection in Airline Networks: An Empirical Analysis of American vs. Southwest Airlines, Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2019, Article ID 3032015, 11 pages, 2019. //doi.org/10.1155/2019/3032015.

(5) Zeng Z., W. Yang, S. Zhang & F. Witlox (2019), 2019, Analyzing airport efficiency in East China using a three-stage Data Envelopment Analysis”. Transport 2020 35(3) 255-272

(6) H. Zhang, W. Wu, S. Zhang and F. Witlox, "Simulation Analysis on Flight Delay Propagation Under Different Network Configurations," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 103236-103244, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2999098.

5. 会议论文

(1) Zhang, S. , The impact of hub hierarchy, alliances and concentration on airfare pricing in European hub-to-hub markets, the 17th Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) conference, Bergamo, Italy, 26-29 June 2013

(2) Zhang, S. , Derudder, B., Vanheule D., Witlox, F., Route structure and concentration in the transatlantic markets: comparing secondary airports in Europe and US, the 2015 Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 21-25 April 2015

(3) Zhang, S. , Long-haul route development at secondary airports in the European Union and the United States, 2005-2008, the 2015 BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Day, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 28-29 May 2015

(4) Zhang, S. , An Explanatory Framework of Modeling Dynamics in the European Air Transport Network, International Symposium on Watershed Geographic Sciences, Nanjing, China, 11-14 October 2016

(5) Zhang, S., Derudder, B., Fuellhart, K., Witlox, F., Carriers' Entry Patterns in a Liberalizing Transatlantic Market under EU-US Open Skies Agreement, the 22nd Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) conference, Seoul, South Korea, 2-5 July 2018

(6) Zheng H., Zhang, S., Witlox, F., Spillover Effects of Chinese Hub Airports on Connection Traffic, the 22nd Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) conference, Seoul, South Korea, 2-5 July 2018

(7) Kong, Mingxing; 张生润(*); 朱金福; Su, Aijing, Comparative analysis of route selection behaviors between full-service and low-cost airlines, J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 2018.6.1-2018.6.3

(8) Kong, Mingxing; 张生润(*); 朱金福; Zhao, Yao; Su, Aijing, Research on route selection strategy of low-cost airlines, IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci., 2018.7.1-2018.7.3

(9) Zhang, S., Hansen, M., Witlox, F., The impact of alliance, cannibalization and network structure on carries’ entry in an overlapping transatlantic air market, the 23rd Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2-5 July 2019

(10) Zhang, S., Fuellhart, K., Yang, W., Tang, X., Witlox, F., Factors Influencing Carries’ Entry Decisions in an Overlapping Transatlantic Air Market, TSTE, Beijing, China, 11-13 October 2019


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  • 1SSCI期刊《Journal of Transport Geography》、2SSCI期刊《Journal of Air Transport Management》、《GeoJournal》等期刊审稿人
